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Diamond Star Club   ($1500 and above)​​

Platinum Star Club   ($1000 and above)

Emerald Star Club   ($500 and above)

Silver Star Club   ($250.00 and above)

Bronze Star Club   ($100.00 and above)

Triple Star Club   ($50 and above)

Double Star Club   ($25 and above)​

Star Club   ($5 and above)

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Your donation is graciously accepted as the donations are what enable us to award our deserving students!  Thank you for your wonderful and consistent support!   We accept any donation amount.  Please send all donations to:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scholarship Fund of Rutherford County, Inc.
P.O. BOX 331382
Murfreesboro, TN 37133-1382

Please join us in thanking the contributors who helped make the scholarships possible for all of the recipients!

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